Part 13
Second half of Blitz's run

Part 3

Exit the hall to the northwest and pass through the next couple rooms.

Back in the Matrix, head through this passage. In the next area head northwest.

Back in crontol of the progatonist, head through the now unlocked northwestern door.

That's great. Since I don't have the requisite Decking stat to disable the alarms myself, I'm forced to trip them on my way out.

Two security guards and a drone pop up, but they're nothing much to worry about. Conserve your grenades, there's more combat ahead, and Hasenkamp's Warhawk pistol does a ton of damage. Head southeast once you're done here.

In this section and the next we'll be switching back and forth between the Matrix and meatspace. Remember that three rounds in the Matrix pass for every one round in the outside world.

Have Blitz deploy his Attacker ESP, and lob some Blasters at the congregated IC here. Unfortunately for me, my Attacker is destroyed instantly. Great.

Have your protagonist and Hasenkamp stay near each other, for mutual support, and head towards either room on the east side of this one. Your goal here is survival, not killing everybody, so avoid damage as much as you can. I also recommend only killing one of the first wave of guards, and leaving the other one alive - more, and in larger numbers, will spawn once you've eliminated both of them.

In the Matrix, have Blitz head the same direction.

When you reach this point you'll trigger two more IC. Destroy the one in your way for now, the other can wait.

You'll have to destroy both IC here to access this node.

Blitz will have to hold these doors open, meaning he won't be able to do anything else in the Matrix until after you've disengaged the locks.

Also, grab the Medkits on the wall if you need them. Once you're done with one room, repeat the process for the other side.

Once both locks are opened, head out the southeast door you oroginally came through.

Grab the medkit from the room to the southwest if you didn't already, use it if you need to, then head out the front door to the southeast.

Blitz's run, finale

Hasenkamp will run ahead of you here. Make a save before following him and activating the terminal.

DECISION TIME! If you choose to kill Hasenkamp, (option 1 below) your protagonist fights him one-on-one (plus the turrets that Blitz turns to your side) while Blitz deals with an enemy decker. Afterwards Blitz will get a program that 'scrambles' hostile IC. This works like "Charm" status in some other RPGs, like Final Fantasy; it causes the affected IC to change allegiance for a few rounds, attacking its former allies and defending Blitz.

If you choose to tell Blitz he's a dumbass, though (option 2 below,) you and Hasenkamp will have to fight off more security forces together, and afterward you get the box Hasenkamp took from the safe, which Blitz can plug into his cyberdeck to allow him to hack commlinks - this works like the 'scrambler' program, except it affects enemies in meatspace.

Personally, of the two I prefer the box, so that's the one I'm going to be continuing with in the 'real' game. Neither is really better than the other, but it should be noted that Blitz's new scrambler program takes up a program slot in his cyberdeck.

Option 1

Like the last couple fights, this one will switch between Blitz in the Matrix and your protagonist in meatspace. Plotz has an Attacker ESP which will hack turrets to kill you, starting with the one in the west and generally moving clockwise. Have Blitz's own Exploder program hack the other nodes in the northeast and southeast, while Blitz himself and his Attacker ESP face off with Plotz. Have your Attacker take the opportunity to Tar Bomb Plotz' if you get the chance, though.

Back in meatspace, have your protagonist pop any Jazz or Cram you might have brought, and take cover from the enemy turrets behind the one that's programmed to attack Hasenkamp.

Once Plotz is dead, grab his custom software and have Blitz and his ESPs hack the remaining turrets. Blitz will jack out, and the remainder of the fight pretty much takes care of itself.

Option 2

It SHOULD go without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway: If you haven't found the dirt on Grinder and Plotz working together to form a monopoly, then you don't get this dialogue option.

The Matrix section is pretty much the same, but the protagonist and Hasenkamp have a different enemy to face.

The security forces you and Hasenkamp will be facing off against. Between his grenades and the turrests, however, this isn't that difficult a fight.

After you've elimated the first group, a second one will pop up, but by this time you should have all the turrets hacked, so it's not a terribly difficult fight.

And that's the end of this run.


You only get 2 karma for this run, which kinda stinks for how annoying it is... Plus either the custom program or the box for Blitz. Anyway, we need to have a talk with Blitz.

We only got 2 karma and not much cash from this run, but the cash is enough to allow me to afford a hand-forged katana from Gunari for 1,750 nuyen. It's not a huge upgrade, but it does increase my damage by 2 points per hit.