
Fleece closes her eyes, the smile fading as she concentrates on how good the massage was feeling. It'd been ages since she'd been let out, and even longer since someone had given her a good shoulder and neck rub. In the distance, Dustin dives into the water, naked, and comes back up to begin using the water to cleanse himself. "I think you've got it backwards. It isn't that he clings to normalcy. It's that normalcy clings to him." She points out, cracking an eye open to take a peek at him before closing it again. "Take a close look at 'im. Everythin' about him seems normal, but is it? He's Fated, cast into a whirlwind of events, a veritable maelstrom of magic and destiny...and yet he's always whisked away from the brink of madness. He's mundane, but only because the world seeks him to be so. No mere normal man could ever handle what happened, let alone handle us." She points out, reaching up to give Rea's hand a squeeze before bringing it to her lips for a gentle kiss.

"I always felt like he was too good for us, you know. Thank you in advance for being here when me or the Annes can't."
She says, a bit sorrowful but smiling.