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Thread: Sea of Stars - IC

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    Default Re: Sea of Stars - IC

    Spoiler: OOC - questions

    Scrutiny: [roll0] Felidae has no such skill, so I assume it's vs INT, which is 32 I think. Wait, does rolling fail if I preview the post? Oh goddam! What? It still failed? Oh for the love of god!!

    "Did you ever see the Emperor? What do you remember of him?"
    It's a big galaxy. No, I never saw the Emperor, but ... he was no where and everywhere, you know? One man, holding together the entirety of a galactic Imperium. Words cannot describe him. I can tell you all about it - how everyone trusted that one man to take care of everything. And he never failed at that. But that doesn't convey it, not really.

    He was the Imperium.

    "Tell me about the primarchs."

    Um. They led the Space Marines. I don't know much more, frankly. I just happen to be quite good with a rifle. Otherwise, I'd be a turnip farmer on a frontier world.

    "Did you enjoy serving in the Navy?"

    Sure? I mean, it beats farming turnips.

    No, le me be more specific. I had a lot of crap jobs in the Imperial Guard. But I somehow managed to earn distinction, and got better jobs, until I became the personal adjudant of a navy admiral. I could have gone further, I feel - but then we got killed. Basically.

    "Describe the Imperium. How did you see Xenos races? How does this match up with the Imperium of today?"

    The Imperium is the project of the Emperor to create a safe stable space for all mankind.

    I do not see xenos. What I mean is, there is no single way in which I see all aliens. I hate the orcs, and I hate the eldar. For different reasons. The orcs are vermin with half a brain, destructive and unproductive. The eldar .. meddle. You know what I mean? They'd happily sacrifice every last human for some contrieved plan of theirs. And they'd never tell us the trust. Just because. They could - they just wont.

    Today? I don't even know about today. Ask me in ten years. But like I said: There's no doubt in my mind the Imperium has forgotten what it is. The Imperium of Man is the single most powerful force in the galaxy - we do not need to fear every little thing. We are strong, and the emperor guides us!

    "Do you recall any sort of technological knowledge? Anything you notice that we no longer have, that used to be widespread?"

    No, I'm not a tech person. I ... I'm just good with a rifle.

    "What do you know about the traitor legions?"

    Zip, I'm afraid. Nothing at all.

    "How are you adjusting to your new life?"

    Pretty well. I woke up, and I'm still good with a rifle. So I just ... went on like the whole thing never happened.

    "Did you venerate the Emperor as the God of Mankind?"

    You do realise he specifically told us not to, right? Then .. well, yea? Kinda. He was substantially larger than life, whether he wanted us to acknowledge it or not.

    "Do you believe there is anything worth learning from Xenos?"

    Duh! Obviously - yes. I just ... it's so dumb. Say these fish guys have some clever way of working with genes, right? It seems that might actually be the case. So - just because it's xenos - we burn it!

    And then, somewhere in the galaxy, in a hundred years, some lucky cog dude comes up with the same idea - only someone figures out that's what the fish guys did, so it's HERESY. And so we burn it - again!

    Felidae is silent for a good long while. Long enough for Mathius to harumph and indicate that the interview is now over - but then she asks:

    Say - you seem like someone with a good deal of knowledge and influence. So riddle me this: So the Emperor gets offed, and the Mechanicus drops him in stasis so he's not really dead, but definitely not alive either. And everyone just decides that yep, that's fine. We'll just keep him like this forever.

    Is that about right? Ten thousand years. And no one came up with a better solution?

    Last edited by Kaptin Keen; 2019-01-03 at 04:17 AM.