Spoiler: Daniel and DM
A lump formed in the Reverend's throat. "I had my suspensions but it's all coming together. I suspect we're dealing with a Wild Hunt. A fae Yule tradition. It's an otherworldly hunt and mortals often have an unwilling role in it. I believe the kidnapped children were changed into the dogs we just heard." He explained.

The Reverend started heading back to the car. "The car our friend here left will most likely be our kidnapper's. The Boss Maw angle was a distraction to misplace suspicion and get us out of the neighborhood." He sighed. "Where do we go from here? Check out the car or straight into the Wild Hunt? I am going to need my rifle so maybe I get the Sisters of the orphanage call me an Uber back to the church lodging me and you check out the car? Meet back at the shop and prepare?"