Maria listened in deep in thought. she let her right hand drop down and Airam instinctively came up and nuzzled her head under Maria's hand causing Maria to scratch the dogs head. "Hold on Morgan, one part of that logic is flawed... I think," Maria started trying to wrap her head around this. "I don't think we're dragged in BY Delarosa, or at least I didn't. The nun from the orphanage is who got me, and by proxy the NYPD, involved in this. If I was the target for this hunt that seems like a risky play. I mean anybody on the force coulda been the one who took this case. Even in the Occult division there are four of us." Maria paused, grabbing a cracker from the box and began nibbling on it, still trying to gain any mental footing she can. "Let's take a step back, go back the "Wild Hunt". You all say it empowers the fae, does it work if the prey is captured or escapes? Also if we are the 'prey' in this. How would we be marked, could it have been in those donuts?"