The long holiday season is over, and now it's back to Warhammer time 6 events between now and April, need to knock off the rust before Adepticon rolls around at the end of March.

Gonna be sticking with my Anvilstrike Stormcast - I think it fits my playstyle best, and has the tools to deal with most of the meta out there. Still some hard matchups, but I like the more reactive playstyle it brings. First in the gauntlet is this Saturday, and a multi GT winner is coming to give me some good quarry to hunt.

Long term 2019, the hope is to finish painting all of my Stormcast early this year, and then sometime in Q3 start a brand new army. Kind of feeling a mounted Slaves to Darkness army - Knights, Marauder Horsement, Chariots, and Manticores seem really great, maybe with some allies like Skyfires for a bit of range. I have my Stormcast and play them competitively, so my next army or two will likely just be themed and focus on hobby.