Quote Originally Posted by rs2excelsior View Post
"Good, good, that'll do," Vigo answers with a grin. "So, if I were looking for cargo manifests, bills of sale, ship registrations, that sort of thing, you think you could help me find those?" He still does not directly threaten the man with the knife, but absently gestures with that hand as he speaks and keeps a grip on his collar with the other. "You seem a reasonable fellow, I'm sure we don't need to resort to anything... unreasonable. Right?" He winced a bit internally. Was that too much? Too dramatic? He wasn't sure. This whole "stealing and intimidation" thing was still sort of new.
The man relaxes a bit once he realises Vigo isn't planning on gutting him on the spot. He swallows. "Right, yes yes, I keep those, yes. The papers are in the chest over there", he nods towards the sturdy chest. "I I have the key. The ship's papers, the Captain has those. In his quarters."

Quote Originally Posted by Thunder999 View Post
Asvard hauls the crate of spirits out and back to the ship. "I'm calling dibs on that Whiskey" he shouts to the quartermaster.
The quartermaster is not in sight at the moment, but Asvard makes a mental note to let him know once the elf shows up.

Spoiler: OOC
Consider the dibs claimed. :)

Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
Tybalt takes note of Sticks' appropriation, but it was small and shiny- probably just money, Frin could sort that out easily with proper notification. Opal, on the other hand... if something was large enough to make her climb funny, then it was large enough to be a problem.

"Ever see a keelhauling?” He asks conversationally, breaking his usual silence.

"Tie the poor soul up, drag him beneath the ship. Water’s cold, mind, and any fellow’d be like to drown, bouncing around so far from the air. That’s bad enough. What really makes it worth watching is that the hull’s not smooth- the barnacles’re what really get ‘em.” He chuckles. “Sliced up six ways from Sunday. Best part is, they don’t always die." He pauses for effect.

"Wonder if Frin’s partial to keelhaulings?”

Probably too harsh a punishment for Frin, if you ask Tybalt. Which made it excellent to obliquely threaten a lady with. Even a bearded pirate lady.

Spoiler: OoC

I... think rambling very incoherently about keelhaulings might merit an intimidate check? [roll0]

Opal visibly pales. "Oh eh... Never seen one of 'em meself, no. Bloody business I hear. Heh. Hey, you wanna see what I found in the hold?" She reaches inside her tunic and takes our a small crate. "Held it close so it won't break." She opens the lid and shows Tybalt a fine collection of silver utensils, each beautifully decorated with ocean theme.

Spoiler: Tybalt
Also, you notice Eralia slip a silver dagger to her belt.

The merchant ship's cargo is in good process of being hauled up from the hold and moved over to the Gall Seeker, where the deck soon becomes a messy maze of boxes and packages. First Mate Abrayus strives to keep some sort of order, so that it will still be possible to move around and everything of significance is ready for the quartermaster's inspection.

At this time Gun Master Waltya has managed to get the large cannon loose from its fastenings and is ordering a group of pirates to push it over to the Seeker. Abrayus shakes his head at the sight. "Are you -ing kidding me? Where is she planning on putting that thing? Truly, Clamshell has no sense of practicality whatsoever."

The two captains and the first mate of the merchant ship are observing the proceedings from the side. The first mate looks sullen, and the merchant captain's mouth is a thin line. He speaks very little, yet Captain Ironskin doesn't look amused by what he's saying. She throws him a grimace which promises murder.