Quote Originally Posted by Rhedyn View Post
I think you can argue that is an action. I wouldn't say it's anything to be too up in arms about. What is "PG" is a social norm or agreed consensus. That consensus is not going to shift back anytime soon.
The thing is, you don't get to decide what bothers me, or the original DM. That's that pesky freedom of association thing again, none of us require the approval of the sort of person who tries to create safe spaces for outright bigots in order to decide who we want to game with or allow into our homes.

I think you need to have hard rules on what is and isn't tolerated and such rules need to be generally applicable. I personally strive to tolerate "harmless behavior". Idc if someone is homosexual. That behavior doesn't cause harm to others. I also don't care if someone is uncomfortable with homosexuals but doesn't act on those beliefs.
I don't regard people who actively try to erase any mentions of marriages like the ones my friends have and who object to their very existence to be engaged in 'harmless behavior'. I wonder if your attitude would be different if we were talking about people who wanted to revoke major parts of your life, and to remove your ability to live in society at large.

I can live with that making some bigot's life easier if that keeps me open to future progress and prevents my own bigotry towards things I find offensive.
I have no obligation to spend my personal free time hanging out with people who believe that my friends deserve to be imprisoned (or stoned to death, or burnt at the stake, or banished from society, or whatever). If you want to create safe spaces for bigots in your own time, I certainly can't stop you - but the whole 'people who don't want to hang out with bigots are the REAL bigots' claim is simply absurd.