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Thread: Avengers: Chapter 1 (M&M 3e)

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Avengers: Chapter 1 (M&M 3e)


    It was a Monday morning and that meant that Killian was sitting on the couch in her PJ's with her cheeks puffed outwards, fat with milk and Cheerios. Her green eyes were lazy and her head bobbed up and down slowly in tune to the beat coming through the TV - a singing, dancing childrens show that she found shamefully amusing and catching.

    For all intents and purposes it seemed like it would be a pleasant, sunny week in rural woodland West Virginia. The new loggers she hired were set to arrive and orders for timber were coming in at a steadily increasing rate. No one reasonable could complain about -

    The kids show cut out from the TV. A wall of static was quickly replaced by the emergency broadcast signal before it transitioned into incoming news reports from New York City. "Disaster in New York!" repeated the chyron at the bottom of the screen.

    Killian paused before setting her bowl aside as the feeds came in. Dozens dead, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. Noxious fumes released in the centre of the city. The bridge collapsing with hundreds of commuters still crossing it. The broken streetways, damaged buildings and fleeing crowds made it nigh-impossible for emergency services to reach parts of the city that desparately needed them.

    Exhaling softly, Killian shook her head and stood up. Changing, it wasn't long until she pushed forward with her mind beyond the material reality and extended her consciousness across space and time...


    Sirens' costumed figure materialised several stories above the New York City skyline, her blonde hair caught immediately in the wind and blown beyond her head, almost giving her a golden crown.

    From her vantage point, Siren could immediately survey the grim devastation playing out across the city, as she floated further towards the bridge. Determining that it was the critical problem, her black-clad, trim figure floated over the Hudson River, hair whipping about her head as she came to a stop approximately a few hundred meters from the structure that was bending perilously close to falling into the water below.

    It didn't take superhearing to bare witness to the pleas, yelps and screams coming from the bridge. And with her mentally aware mind, Siren could feel the panicked terror cloaking the hundreds of minds caught and stranded on a sinking ship, figuratively speaking.

    "Don't worry ya'll, I gotcha..." Siren uttered under her breath as she reached forward with a gloved hand. Drawing images in her mind, she willed into existence pillars that sprouted out from the waters - piking upwards and impressing against the underside of the bridge, if not pushing it upwards, at least providing the support to cease it from falling any further.


    Telekinesis: Fly to hover in place.

    Telepathy: Mental Constructs to build pillars up underneath the falling parts of the bridge to prop it up and prevent it from falling any further. They're innate, stationary and Impervious, so should be able to take the weight no worries.

    If need be, she'll use a combination of Telekinsis + Mental Constructs to form construct, then lift bridge a bit more, build construct, life a bit more etc.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2019-01-15 at 07:39 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger