Spoiler: Katriel
Katriel's mother is in the kitchen doing her best to stretch the family's meager food supply into a meal. Instead of the famously spicy food Breland is known for just flour and water go into making a simple flatbread to go with thin soup, but her mother gives Kat a brave smile and focuses on brighter things, "Tommas is sleeping well. I think the treatments are helping!" She turns the flatbread on the stove and stirs her pot. "You should wash. Dinner will be ready soon."

Tessy sits at the table playing with a thread bare doll whose straw hair is dirty and frayed. "I'm not hungry," she declares. "You can give mine to Tommy. I want him to get better so that he can play with me again!" The little girl's stomach rumbles loudly, belying her claim.

Katriel's mother's eyes fill with tears but she quickly turns away from Tess to face the stove and wipes her eyes with her apron. Her voice is firm and kind when she speaks, "We can't have any of that, now. What would Tommas say if he gets better and finds that his sisters have gone all to skin and bones in the mean time?"

Spoiler: Alestair & Iridae
Retreating back to the foundry, the two scouts are greeted by leveled crossbows and heavy tools from behind overturned tables. One of the workers turns ghostly pale and cries, "Look out!" Alestair and Iridae are forced to dodge aside as the sharp thwack of crossbows signal the launch of several missiles in their direction.

Two of the quarrels spark off the walls illuminating the tunnel in a shower of white and yellow light. The third strikes true smacking home into a creature the size of a large dog, but with chitinous flesh and monstrous, vaguely reptilian features. There are shrieks of alarm and the foundry workers throw themselves the the floor behind their makeshift cover as the thing darts forward on wasp like wings, into the main chamber. As it passes over its long blade-like forelimbs flash out and bite huge gouges out of the wood of the barricades. There is a cry of pain from behind one.

Spoiler: About that time
Roll for Initiative!

Flying Kython (1d20+2)[8]

Spoiler: Alanna, Clamp, & Soranda
The strange group passes south through the city making for Morgrave University. However on the skybridge between Central and Menthis the are accosted. The rain falls freely here and the lights from Sharn's everbright lanterns are fewer and farther between. On a night like tonight those members of the watch that are on patrol are likely to be sticking close to the eaves of the city's towers rather than wandering out the the very edges of their districts to get soaked by the open sky.

Under the light of one of the Lanterns, Cutter casts off her hood and cloak drawing her blade. "We have unfinished business, fleshlings," she declares. Her frozen eyes snap to Clamp and she addresses him while squaring her stance against Alanna and the Provost. "Brother, come away from these weaklings, or better yet, break your chains and cast them from these ramparts. Our prophet would welcome one such as you with open arms."