Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
Fun fact I learned checking the Wikipedia page to remind me of what the movies are about:

They both got an Emmy. It was for Outstanding Visual Effects, but hey. They also each got nominated for Outstanding Childrens Program, but lost out to something else.

All in all, I kinda want to sit down and actually rewatch them now. Even though the Admiral Ackbar inside my head is screaming at me.

Other interesting fact: Warwick Davis continued to play Wicket for these movies, at the grand old age of 14. And he only got to play Wicket in the first place because Kenny Baker was ill at the time.

Not half bad for someone who was only supposed to be an extra in a teddy bear suit.
Hey, I loved the first of those movies (only one I've watched). I've probably still got it on VHS (taped off the TV). I remember it being one of my favorites. Of course, I was a kid and it was a long time ago, so there's a good chance that it sucks. But still, good memories...