Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
S'the least I can do for my brothers and sisters.

(If the union isn't where you are, you can change that, if you want )
Heh, indeed. My new job isn't in production at all, and I admittedly know very little about how to go about that. That said, it's also a bit cowardly of me to be like "I just started here and don't want to rock the boat," but the truth is my new work environment is so very good I'm not sure how I could improve it. (Maybe that will change when I start finding out just what everyone makes and how much, if any, part of profit-sharing we get.)

Quote Originally Posted by TheNecrocomicon View Post
So I took people saying "denouement" to mean "the book is almost over and nothing else is coming next".
I just googled it, but the first result for a definition:

Quote Originally Posted by Ye Olde Googlee
the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
"Denouement" is a formal literary term. It doesn't just mean "near the end." It means the above. The people you are arguing with believe the climax (also a formal term) of book 6 was Durkon defeating the Vampire, and that climax has passed. Now we are in the denouement, where the various remaining loose ends are tied up and resolved-- and as this is a series of books, where some setup for the next book will take place.