Quote Originally Posted by Nicos View Post
On the other hand, PF have a problem in the other side of the spectrum. PF turns too quickly into a superheroes game.
Well, I know there's a lot of ways to have a low level d20 game with little modification necessary. E-# games are pretty popular for example (most famous being E6 but I've also seen E4-8 pop up with some frequency). You can also play NPC games if you want that more old-school flavor (warrior, expert, adept; maybe with stuff like variant multiclassing).

I like having options. The system I'm using now can do both. 5E only does one. Which is another reason I see no reason to make a jump towards it. It's easier for me to mod my current system that was build to be flexed and modded than it would be for me to have to write the missing elements into 5E.

I remember Rynjin's Myrial, where we were some thieves but we basically destroyed everything in our path and Rynjin had problems in challenging us with things that were appropiated by the theme of the cmpaing.
I'd be interested in hearing more about that. I don't know what you guys get up to when I'm not around.