Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
"Well, er...", Syanadh hesitates, looking for the right words, "I uh.. understand I've got a lot to thank you for, saving my life actually", absentmindedly the elf brushes the scar on their face, "So thank you. Or your goddess. Or both of you. Sorry, not really sure how it works with these things with divine powers involved. Anyway, I was wondering if you could... tell me a little more about Illyrie? I must admit I don't really know much to begin with, just that she's the Lady of Peace, right? It's just that, back there after that tree had knocked me down, I had this... wouldn't really call it a vision, more like a feeling, of- damn I don't really know how to describe it. Of deep calm, or something like that. Does that make any sense to you?"
Rowan nods, incredibly relieved that Syanadh doesn't seem upset or in terrible pain from his actions. "That makes sense, actually. You had an awful lot of Her magic keeping you alive, so... I can't say it's normal because the situation really wasn't, but it makes sense that you'd feel something. A lot of people's first experience with the Lady of Peace is like that- calm when the world's gone mad. Mine was, anyway." He rubs the edge of the holy symbol pinned to his cloak and smiles. "What do you want to know?" He stays by their side and answers as many of their questions as he can.