
Pursing her lips and wishing she could cease drawing in the scent of charred flesh emanating from the towers, Siren brought her right hand to her head and pressed her index and middle finger to her temple. A simple and stereotypical gesture, it nevertheless helped her focus as she threw supernatural senses across the building in its entirely, drawing an inter-connected web of consciousnesses that were still trapped in the building. On their own, she felt like that could make it out of the building before smoke inhalation would subdue them, but unfortunately the insides of the facility were strewn with a maze of debris that some were navigating and some were finding to difficult to bypass.

So, pressing her mind out once more, Siren entered the minds of those present in the building, her mental presence just a warm, subdued feeling at the back of each persons mind. Not wishing to control anyone in particular, she instead drew everyones mind together with herself as the nexus, in order to immediately share mass quantities of information that included unblocked escape routes to those in the building, to give them all a fighting chance of escaping.

Basically she's mass reading minds and using mass rapid area communicate to tell everyone in the building the best route to escape and guiding them there.

If she needs to burn a hero point to power stunt it, she'll do that.