Once the horses had calmed again, Yvonne held out a hand to the horse, letting it get accustomed to her scent before running a hand along his neck.
"Hmm! A fighter, it seems. Good. You're no knightly warhorse, but you'll do, perhaps. The price, however..."
She raised her voice,speaking now to thesl stables owner to begin the haggling.
"The gods alone only know what bloodlines have gone into this beast: a purebred stallion he is not. Hmmph, and look at at bedraggled the poor beast is. I'll offer you thirty silver for him, and whatever the cost of a saddle and reins in this place."

Spoiler: OOC

Let me know if I need to make a persuasion check or summin'.

Yvonne is trying to haggle, and as such fully expects to pay more than thirty in the end.