Quote Originally Posted by LansXero View Post
Lets see, what kind of Aeldari list would be casual enough to get taken down by CSM without Daemons, ft. Rhinos & Terminators:

- Anything with Dark Reapers and/or Hemlocks is straight out. CSM would get shot out of the table in pieces before doing much of anything.
- Fire prisms can core Rhinos like they dont matter, and turn marines into slag.
- That list cant stand to a Shining Spear charge either, although the termies could bog them down. Spears will probably lose if they get stuck in CC, but then what is the rest of the list doing?
- Guardians can drown them in bodies and the lucky bladestorm makes marines dead. While also being more mobile.
- Wraithblades can walk through them without much effort really.

So, unless you were trying to intentionally build a bad list, I dont see how the proposed CSM list can have better than a 30% chance, and thats counting their having good rolls vs the eldar having bad rolls.
Well it's a weak list, even for CSM. Rhinos are a trap. It's 216 points being thrown away to prevent your own Marines from shooting. The only reason to take Rhino's is to protect a unit of Berserkers, and really you're better off just Warp Timing them forward instead.