Spoiler: @Zylodrizzt & Unavenger

@zylodrizzt; As you cross the through the tree tops stiltedly making your way towards and just over your barrier of thorns, as you begin to settle down looking for a hiding spot... a multi colored facet of swirling hair enters view. The hair belong to a human woman dressed in all white, with exposed arms of tough skin... Suddenly looking up the the matron of rainbow hair glances up to you locking eyes and then with a swift gesture of her hand you suddenly feel pressure at the base of your skull where your head greets your spine...

ROLL: Constitution Saving Throw

@Unavenger; Moving through the forest you glide between the trees with your keen sense feeding you every detail of every branch and leaf as the wind rustles them. The sound of rustling is now suddenly different, more specific, more controlled... as your eyes dart around the first thing you notice is a circular thorn wall bending away from you, the next is the movement above. There your sharp eyes spot the large green and brown lizard climbing just over the thorn wall. As it looks down upon you with cold lizard eyes, you see the intellect hiding behind them. that is all you needed to know... so you act.

ROLL: Damage, it will only be applied if the save fails.

Spoiler: @Illven

With a tap of your hand a click of the tung you urge your companion to carry you swiftly to the wooden shack where you find the door already hastily thrown open. The marks of dust show steps of something human like leaving and entering the forest. Your eyes follow the dust trail into the forest where you see a large circular thorn wall that curves back into the woods.

Spoiler: @Armored Walrus

Gliding down the earthen path way as the tunnel twists and turns away, then suddenly stops. It ends in old wooden steps leading up toward what appears to be a hand made trap door. Here flakes of dust can bee seen filtering down between the a few thin cracks of light. The introduction of the light source is not enough to hurt your vision, but it is enough to let you know that your dark-vision is not needed above.

Spoiler: @3SecondCultist
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Spoiler: @Lizard Lord

You know where you need to go, and without question. Digging deep into your massive reserves of strength your hooves strike the grassy field scaring it with each impact of the hoof with the brown earthen life blood that runs through out this land. Muscles tense and exert force as the air breathed in is brisk and cool, then turned fiery hot on exhale.

Stopping just short of the wood-line, you know what you seek must be in here.