
Subway doors are not, as a rule, a particularly sturdy part of construction. They are designed more to resist the efforts of a particularly well caffeinated morning commuter. That is, of course, under normal circumstances. These doors were suffering mechanical failure due to the stresses brought about by an unexplained east coast earthquake, and were well past the capacity of even a group of subway passengers to pry open. Still though, there are few civic engineers who can plan for 'shadow constructs commanded by the will of a fox-spirit' in their building designs.

The doors give way with a split second shriek of metal on metal, but little resistance beyond that. The civilians aren't trapped anymore, which is good, but they aren't exactly out of the frying pan either. Below the surface, the rumbling of the next shock wave are enough to rattle teeth and crack the plexiglass windows on the subway car, and they are only getting more intense.

Madison Square Garden

Oh god Oh God Oh God
What was that thing? What the @%&! was that thing!?
It's my first day, man, I wasn't supposed to have to deal with stuff like this!
Was it a left turn at the elevator? Dammit, I can't remember...to much smoke
Come on, Jack, stay with me now. I know it hurts man, but you gotta keep moving
Get out of my way! I'm not going to die here like some animal
His Head! That thing took his head clean off!
Why'd I have to fight with Barbra? ****, I can't just leave her without saying goodbye

The mass panic washes over you as you attune to the thought-streams of the crowd below. Thankfully, this early in the morning, the building isn't nearly as occupied as it could be, mostly employee's and staff. Still, that was a lot of bodies. You were also picking up on imagery, as you probed through the mental floorplan you amalgamated as you construct a psychic map to the exits. Seen from dozens of angels, you get the only surround sound view of a hulking creature that's burrowed up through the basketball court.

Thankfully, monster or no, your psychic persuasion and guidance is able to greatly expedite the evacuation. The people might not understand what exactly is happening, but the subliminal nudging is enough to keep the flow of bodies moving and guide those inside the structure away from dead ends and danger.

Spoiler: OOC

No need for a HP, since I'd just give you one anyway for heroic behavior and clever thinking, giving a net outcome of 0 changes in HP.

Everyone in the building who is physically able to get out is now out of the building. Your mental senses detect a small group of concession stand workers who are barricaded in a supply closet on the second floor. The fire has cut off their only escape route.

Spoiler: Mental Image

Time Square
The creatures crumple under your attacks. That is the best word for it, really. This isn't a matter of your comparative strength either. It was like picking a fight with a crowd of elementary school kids. Well, elementary school kids with salivating mouths filled with rows of needle-like teeth, and gripping primitive but undeniably dangerous looking improvised weapons.

So perhaps middle-schoolers would have been the best comparison.

The alien's air support combined with Beowulf's blitz left the murderous munchkins mincemeat in moments. The key word though was moments, as in the handful of seconds needed to put down the first wave, out from the earth crawled up a dozen more, and then another dozen, and bodies upon bodies more, clawing and scampering over one another. And those moments also meant that the unconscious people were still trapped in the gas cloud, breathing in more of the miasma, and that was hoping that all of them were still breathing, period.

Spoiler: OOC

Well, you pretty much liquefied all of the attackers, but more are still arriving and the net result is equilibrium for the moment. I think I forgot to ask for another fort save against the gas cloud last turn, so please do so again on your following turn.


The shaking ground is reaching a furious intensity. Windows are falling off of high rise and the sound is loud enough to even blot out to screams of fleeing New Yonkers and the high pitched whine of emergency response sirens. There are likely only a handful of seconds before the next shockwave hits.

Spoiler: OOC

I was going to have a save here vs being knocked prone, but by my count the only person actually on the ground is Beowulf, and he's got good enough stats to pass on anything but a natural 1, so I'll just let that slide without need of a roll. Got enough trouble at the moment anyway.

Well, almost enough. -1 movement speed to anyone on the ground this turn, the shaking is making it very hard to find your footing (this includes NPCs).