Quote Originally Posted by Silfir View Post
There's something about the sheer cynicism and creative bankruptcy behind the Disney live action remakes that just makes my skin crawl. You made these gems, pinnacle achievements of 2D feature film animation - but someone figured out that you can just do them again with live actors and CGI and people will watch. They will pay good money for movie tickets to watch an inferior version of a movie they've already seen. I just don't understand it.

I know that big budget 2D animation is dead in the West - but it's like they're dancing on the graves.

Now, Disney isn't going to not do something that's making them money hand over fist. One of these has to bomb for the madness to stop. Might as well be this one.
We really liked Beauty and the Beast, and The Jungle Book was fantastic. I don't know that I'd like *all* of the Disney classics (or new classics) as "live action", but I'm certainly open to it. They are a different movie, a different experience...just like Seven Samurai is different from Magnificent Seven, even if they are the same story done over again.

- M