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Thread: (D&D 5e) The Plague of Nightmares IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Feb 2015

    Default Re: (D&D 5e) The Plague of Nightmares IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    You regret asking that, because the toddler immediately answers you while shoving the cookies in his face. "Oh, I have seen a gnome 'fore. My mum and da has one in their garden. He's a lot smaller than you though. And actually has a "gnomish" hat to it. I don't think you are really a gnome mister, because if you were, then why don't you have a gnome hat."
    Seeing an opportunity to fill the toddler's head with nonsense, Zuzu responds in a very serious manner.

    "Oh those? That's actually a baby gnome, just like you are a baby human. They wear those hats to protect their heads. I'm a big boy gnome, so I'm bigger and don't have to wear those hatties anymore!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    One of his slightly older sisters, whom you would estimate to be 12 or so, facepalms and drags him to the side away from you.
    Zuzu shoots the girl a wink.

    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    The older brother to the child leads you around to each of the many different animals which would fit Zuzu's size. It takes him at least ten minutes to show them all to you, and you have a lot of different animals to choose from. Eventually you find the most satisfactory option to be a reddish furred pony whom they have nicknamed "socks" due to how the fur just above its hooves are white. This, "socks", or "horsey" as Zuzu chooses to think of as, is a spayed mare just slightly over 4 years and costing 35 silver pieces.

    When you go to touch "horsey" she looks at you as if you were the weirdest thing she ever saw and slowly back ups, but unlike the others, does't jerk away. You think that must be a good sign.
    "I'd like to take her, but... I don't know. The price is a little high for a pony. How about if you throw in some barding and a bit, and a saddle?"

    Having overheard Yvonne bring offered 38 silver for a full grown horse, it seemed scarcely fair to sell the pony to him for 35. Especially if she is spayed and incapable of reproduction.

    While he haggles, Zuzu slips Horsey a few pistachio nuts from his ration trail mix.
    Last edited by Zergrinch; 2019-02-17 at 01:38 AM.