Cessie's Lab

"Armor for both of us."
Jezebel explains, stepping aside and gesturing politely for Cessie to lead the way to wherever the materials are are kept. "It isn't as if armor on its own is particularly exceptional, but with some guidance perhaps we can prepare each set for enchantment or empowerment. The only such thing I know of that is similar would be preparing to binding daemons into an object or host, but I would not wish to do that to anything I create here even if I think there might be some parallels in the process for doing similar to Kami. Being bound to an object is not the most pleasant experience." She admits, giving a visible shudder and wince. That was not a process she wished to repeat or inflict upon anyone anymore.

"But think of it as making something magnetic, attunement to your style of magic and my affinity for The Warp. A focus essentially. It is a pity I don't have access to something called wraithbone from my homeworld. It would have been perfect for something like this."