If Sarah can remember what she saw of Jehoel's memories, she might recall that him losing control of his enermous Reiatsu even for a moment caused spiritually sensitive people to die within miles. If Koutarou is who he says he is, his power should be equally stupendous. At this short of a range, him succeeding would be like a pile of explosives going off on Sarah's and Svetlana's face and generally speaking, just as bad as the wave of spiritual energy that drew them to this place.

But Koutarou doesn't get that far, because his physical body is not meant to handle this kind of stress, and thus it is the first casualty as its heart fails under his own spiritual pressure. One second, Koutarou is straining against his limits. Then there's a flash of pain like lightning running through him. The very next, he feels light and effortless, as his spiritual body forms in the air even as his physical one keels over lifelessly.

And yet, he is still limited.

It's like he broke out of one cage to find it was inside of another.

Just like when he tried it before, the limiter does not really react. If he keeps going, he'll find his power generation stops at the usual treshold.

"Are you going to explode on me as well?", a voice comes from behind Koutarou. "After what happened to the girl, I do not get why you thought this would be a good idea. But I suppose it means you've settled on your answer."

There she is again, an image superimposed on the fabric of reality... just like Koutarou himself at the moment, actually. It's the version of her that Koutarou last saw: black Shihakusho tied with a red sash, dark hair, inhuman black eyes with red slits for pupils.

Sarah and Svetlana neither see nor hear her. For them, Koutarou's growing power has pretty much smothered everything else spiritual.