Quote Originally Posted by Castamir View Post
Two issues with the order form:

1. A cosmetic one: the character "?" renders as ń -- the page is restricted to Windows1252 characters and fails to deal with anything else. Sure, I can write "n" and have it delivered ok, but imagine a poor schmuck from Russia who tries to write his address...

2. The form requires a State/Province for non-US addresses. I'm not sure how that address verification thingy will work if I put some made-up trash in that field. I didn't check it yet as my card good for international use is at home, but I somehow don't see that going fine.
You should direct both of these comments to the APE Games people; I have no control over the order form, and I don't think they will ever see this thread. There should be contact info on the APE Games webpage, but if there's not, try [email protected] and explain your problem to them.

Quote Originally Posted by Hazelnut View Post
I am pretty surprised though Rich, I knew you were working on the next book but I'd assumed it was the next collection of OOTS webcomic strips to follow on from Blues. It's lovely surprise to have this announced but I'm curious as to when you think you'll be releasing the followup to Blues? (It may sound cheap, but I want to pay as few $20 airmail fees as possible without having to wait forever to get these great books)
The next compilation book will not arrive until the Fall, probably September. Since it will include the entirety of the war sequence, we haven't even gotten to the stopping point for the content, much less had time to work up bonus material.

Quote Originally Posted by Hazelnut View Post
Lastly, I have to ask, were you tempted to number this book OOTS-1 ?
The book actually IS numbered -1 on the spine, so it can be shelved before "On The Origin of PCs" for numerical order goodness.