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Thread: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    "Undead? I hope you jest!", Syanadh replies nervously.

    Spoiler: Rowan ONLY
    Syanadh doesn't ping as dead or undead by the spell. However, it registers them as alarmingly wounded and dying, even though Rowan just confirmed the elf is quite healthy.
    Rowan sighs in relief. "Don't worry, you're definitely alive. I think we'd notice, otherwise. Staying here is a very good idea though, magic seems to think you're in a lot more trouble than you really are." he launches into a rather muddled explanation of auras, even though he doesn't have the firmest grasp on magical theory himself where it doesn't directly deal with keeping people alive. That was Eggy's job.

    A few minutes later, he's thoroughly confused himself and sits bolt upright, suddenly aware that he'd been talking to Syanadh for quite a while now. "I'm terribly sorry, but I have to go. There's a meeting. If you're ever in Springhaven, the Temple's quite nice, you'd love Mother Ethanna."

    Spoiler: OoC

    Ready to go see the Preceptor!
    Last edited by aReallyGreatAxe; 2019-02-19 at 11:23 PM.