Together, Hans and Dengar charge at the warehouse door, impacting it with such tremendous force that the hinges break free from the frame. They stand atop the broken door in a small dark reception room, the only light coming from the street behind them. Rats skitter about from the sudden disturbance.

The walls are covered with a peeling green and yellow wallpaper with flower designs; a few shelves adorn the walls, holding nothing but a thick layer of dust. An empty desk and various chairs are strewn about. To their right is a door that leads to the offices, a silver bell sits above the door, a string leading from it into the wall. In front of them is a closed door, a sign hanging above that says "Warehouse - 2nd Floor."


On the rooftop, through the skylight Erdan sees the kenku with a crowbar step towards the door. It raises the bar, places one end in the doorjamb near the knob and pushes, causing the door and jamb to splinter apart, allowing the door to swing open and pushing back the man that was attempting to hold it shut. At nearly the same time, Erdan hears a loud impact coming from the northern side of the warehouse. The kenku do not seem to notice the noise of his companions breaking into the second floor; the sound of the kenku breaking in the door appearing to have covered their trespass.

Once the door is open, Erdan hears the voice of a human man challenging "have at you!" at the kenku, and he sees the tip of a rapier pierce past the opening. The kenku that forced the door open narrowly avoids the thrust to its chest and in an orcish voice replies "He's the one, take him alive!" and they all draw short swords.