Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
I dunno, I find Mr. Tayler's method for telling a story to be a bit bizarre. So we saw the start of that massive meeting of historians, with no explanation of why it was happening, then we get the explanation for it happening in a single summing-up strip. Then, rather than showing us the rest of what happened there, we jump forward to a scene showing that the meeting must have been a success (because the Toughs are being congratulated). It reminds me of the Eina-Afa storyline where it seemed to just stop halfway through and jump to "Three weeks later, when everything is resolved". I'm sure he used to be better at plotting than this, how do you actually get worse at something you do daily?
We got that explanation via seeing, on screen, the discussion that resulted in it happening. That discussion starts here and has a few developing segments at intervals through the time between then and now.

The current comic does not indicate that the meeting is over, or even that we won't be returning to it later. The congratulations could easily be for the discovery of the alien artifact that told them about the world-ship that left the galaxy and said world-ship's location.