Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
I had many posts selected to reply to, but my tablet lost the selections before I could transfer them to my laptop which is much easier to type on. Will redo later. Fortunately I hadn't actually typed any of my replies.

What is your take on adding homebrew maneuvers to ToB disciplines? What I have is very niche, but if we are granting more maneuvers known/readied (which is it BTW?) then they would become more viable. Plus, of course, even niche stuff can be good for Martial Scripts. Specifically I have an Anti-Swallow Whole stance and maneuver for Tiger Claw*, and intend on using this project to motivate myself to actually write a Stone Dragon one**. I technically also have some Devoted Spirit stuff, but I DO NOT recommend it since it requires adding in the Funky/Square axis of alignment, which wasn't my invention to begin with.
*It now occurs to me that the maneuver could MAYBE be argued to be better moved to Iron Heart or MAYBE Stone Dragon since it involves a fairly precise attack based on very subtle visual cues and/or knowledge of anatomy. Of course, since it involves cutting toward the stomach (from the outside, to help a comrade escape) that has vague connotations of "rip their guts out" which is a Tiger Claw 'feel'.
**The idea I have is pretty good I think, but both the numbers and the name I may need some suggestions for.

Also, you don't have a link in creatures for my Tittering Brick Squirrel. Is this intentional?

Lastly IIRC your Falling Star link under Disciplines actually goes to the "Refactoring ToB Archery" thread and thus should be three different links. Unless you wanted to mash them back together into a single discipline which I don't think would be wise.
If I made a Tiger Claw swallow whole maneuver, I'd either make it "Tear their throat out from the inside as they swallow you" (as a reaction) or "Claw your way out the stomach" (as a maneuver)