You've touched upon something magnificent! Social ostracism is a truly underrated method of maintaining order! One that does not require the heavy hoof of royalty to enforce! A shame it is being used to enforce such a disagreeable social structure.

However your insight once again pierces the veil of the unknowable! Should words spoken illuminate a skepticism of aristocracy utterly divorced from personal tragedy, falsehoods, they shall be! I was born within the House of Rockefeller, the filly of a humble maid! The Baron and his family were exemplars of malice of cruelty! I...shall spare you the details, however the extent to which my mom and I suffered upon their malevolence cannot be underestimated! Furthermore, what form of justice could we count on? The courts, the nobility controlled? Who would believe the story of a lowly servant to a great Baron!? She said, rather relaxed about it. It bore within me an enmity against those that would call themselves my superior, by accident of birth, rather than my expressed consent! Indeed, I hold no opposition to the concept of hierarchy, at all! To do so would be to call my relationship with a doctor, to treat my malady, a form of evil! She giggled at the thought. Once another House took pity upon my mother and took her in, allowing us to escape the abuse of the Rockefellers, I learned not all nobility to be cruel savages! Indeed, the Duke of Nor and his family, my mom's new employer, were exemplars of kindness and generosity! Regarding their staff as family! They helped me through my...history, I shall say! I was most terrified at first, conditioned to expect retribution for slights imagined! A year passed before I absolved myself of such fright, and yet another, before I developed the flamboyant, splendid facade before you all, today! She exclaimed with a flourish, holding pose for a minute, before seemingly relaxing. Her mane deflating somewhat, as her smile falls. She looked...normal.

It's a defense mechanism. She then visibly inflated, again. Smiling.

Which makes our duty to dear Celestia here, so critical! Tailwind exclaims, gently patting Celestia's head. She is marked for greatness, in ways I am not at liberty to speak! Thus, shall I impress upon her and her sister, the value of reason! Logic! And Virtue! Wisdom, Temperance, Humility, Cheer, Altriusm, and Love!

I will confess, there are many days I doubt myself, for how necessary it truly is! For such wonderful fillies, they already are!
Tailwind smiles to Celestia.