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Thread: Why did Loki screw over Hel?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Why did Loki screw over Hel?

    It's entirely possible Loki did this because he foresaw the destruction of the world putting his daughter at the head of the northern pantheon, a fact he could reveal once it was all said and done.

    It's also possible that his reason was to teach his daughter the importance of a balanced diet clerics and was planning to let the souls of the world be devoured by the snarl to keep her from getting too powerful.

    My headcanon is that it was the latter, but then the dark one ascended and now he actually does want to save the world but if the snarl gets out and eats everyone he hasn't lost anything he wasn't prepared to lose going into this world anyway. He can claim his intentions were the first thing too if it comes to that.
    Last edited by RatElemental; 2019-03-08 at 03:01 PM.