What a fun thread, and great to have people discussing 4e in 2019!

My random thoughts on some of these great suggestions:

1. I feel like psionic power source is severely under-represented. Perhaps that's commentary on how weak people find these classes, but I did like the Battlemind suggestions.

2. I'm glad there have been few (none?) Essentials suggestions! :->

3. Perhaps I'm too unimaginative, but I don't feel the Rogue and Ranger suggestions - those classes seem similar in tenor to their counterparts in any other edition of D&D to me. Sure, there are some ripples, but unless you seriously CharNotOp (hopefully for the sake of RP), there aren't exactly a myriad of good variations, and the good ones seem to be very similar to other editions.

4. Avenger. Hitting is so important, and with the inability to stack items and/or buffs to boost your strength for extra "to hit" and "damage" bonuses through the roof, you need to get it elsewhere - crit fishing and a high-W weapon on a mobile, lightly-armored character showcase some of the ways you can compensate.

5. Not sure what to say about spellcasters, but definitely need at least one in your 4 to demonstrate the differences between editions. Regardless of which you choose, the extremely shortened durations of conditions and the roll-to-hit with spells differentiate this from some other editions. As does the suffocatingly small list of spell options. Yet somehow, in spite of these three "gimps", I don't know if anything compares to the havoc a well-designed high-end Wizard/Mage build can bring. And doing something like the aforementioned Wizard/Invoker Hybrid build shows off the lack of restrictions on multiple power sources.