Listened to our martyred lady the other day, the first part was pretty great, the second was pretty good, the third was as close to the audio-drama definition of filler as it gets and the last was... OK?

There's a bit of interview stuff on the last CD with most of the major characters actors as well as the author, so if that's your jam, it's worth a listen (apparently one of the VA's is a big name from doctor who, but I wouldn't know Catherine Tate from a bag of rocks since I have no interest in Dr who whatsoever ). There's a fair bit of talk about how great it is for GW to be focusing on two strong female characters as the leads and how GW is trying to be more inclusive of females and all that jazz if anyone cares about that sort of thing.

I did notice some of the VA's got little bits of the background of their characters wrong which irked me more than it should have, but it's also interesting to hear how a bunch of the audio-dramas come together, especially this one since unlike most others, there's no narrator present here.

Overall, it's not bad, but it doesn't even crack my top ten list, though I will say that the last chapter of part 1 is absolutely amazing and as a major plot point, it does deal with a pretty interesting development with regards to the sisters of battle (and possibly a hint for their upcoming model release) but that alone isn't enough to edge out many of the other audio-dramas which are substantially better (not to mention much cheaper). If you like celestine and/or greyfax, then it's worth picking up, but otherwise, I'd suggest skipping it.