My gods are pretty similar to that. People interact with these gods pretty much only through priests, and the priests are very much alone the lines of the idea of "clerics of concepts".
I had not thought of it before like this, but I think you could say that priests are focusing omnipresent forces to create magical protections for the people from disasters and monsters. Those omnipresent forces might not even be aware that they have priests as they exist on such a fundamentally different level. Though perhaps they might take notice of them in the way that a bee keeper recognizes the bee queens to be important and pays them a special attention while all the worker bees are identical.

To many people this abstract protection from disasters isn't very satisfying, though. One options are mystery cults that are somewhat like philosophical clubs who see the source of meaning in life reflected in one of the omnipresent forces that are worshipped as gods.
The other alternative, when you are looking to get some actual magical help for your village or you personally, is to approach and worship spirits, who are effectively very powerful monsters. When you want something specific done, you can go to a spirit's shrine, make an offering, and name your request, and the spirit might decide to use its power to help you or not.