Spoiler: Tea Agony

Sweet Echo:
'I... think so. Bubble Guard actually seems.. to have fun.'

The librarians looking quite shocked.
'You have married an oni?!'

Starswirl has rolled his eyes.
'It.. doesn't make any sense!' the librarians trot around, flipping pages through the records.

'That.. is.. intresting.' Starswirl said. 'Considering it was written centuries ago. Does it have.. more details? Do you think... the prophecies here are the real thing? Not another knock off ruber duck?'

Spoiler: Tailwind

Celestia folded her ears, sadly listening to Tailwind's story.
she blushed a bit. 'I don't know if this is true...'

Dokobashi nodded, and placed a sympathic hoof over Tailwind's shoulder.
'When ponies betray their divine mandate, terrible things could happen. In our faith, justice is beyond the control of us mortals- Karma, will send Rockfeller into life of servitude and abuse in his next reincarnation. While your noble soul will reincarnate into royalty. Maybe me and you, are not so different, despite our origin kingdoms and the fact, I wasn't painted by karma.'

Dokobashi bowed her head. Your pain has pushed you to enlightment... it seems, that more then what ponies can teach you, you can teach them. And donkeys too of course.'

Dokobashi looked at Celestia. 'This.. is quite intresting. It might means that both the Empress and the Ceremony Minister misunderstood the prophecy. Be wary... they might have ideas about Celestia, if that the case.'
Celestia looked scared. 'What kind of ideas?'
Dokobashi looked away. 'Not something I am allowed to speak about. Just... be careful.'

Spoiler: Bubble Guard

The timber and cherry petals dragon was bounced off from the new bubble.
Sweet Echo has opened, closed and opened her mouth, and then squeaked with excitment fluttering out of excitment. Her squeak echo into Bubble Guard and encourage him.
"Cheap?! CHEAP!! The Samurai roared enraged. "What is cheap, is your bubble of cowardice! Fight me with honor!" She bark.

The timber and cherry petals dragon attacked again- but breaking it's claws and fangs against the double shield.
The Samurai charged forward, and again engulfed her katana in flames, levitating it to.. stab and burn the timber and petal dragon which wrapped itself around the bubble, engulfing it in flames, with smoke with smell of burnt cherries.
The fire didn't broken the bubble, but it's heat is unbarable. It seems like she is attempting to cook Bubble Guard inside of his bubble!

Spoiler: Shadow Lock

"Wonderful!" River Soul has smiled with excitment.
"Then I shall take you to the place."
He closed his eyes, and his horn glowed with magic.
",What is a place? If not where the wind blow you over?"
Both of them are engulfed in chill winds and for a second Shadow Lock can see a ghastly figure of a dragon- and they have teleported.

They were now at the eastren bank of the river which crossed the city- long river which extened and splitted to mark the boundaries of the empire.

This part of the city was more... humble.

Old small houses, which could easily be called huts, an old donkey picking the trash looking apathic to the pair of the ponies which the wind has brougjt here.

Beggars, ponies and donkeys alike, sat in rows shaking bowls, with very few coins which jingled and danced rather cheerfully.

Bunch of teen ponies, passed. All of them whore white muzzle masks which exposed their eyes. They alslo all wore red scarfes and all levitated clubs and chains.

But around the river, there were simply a junkyard. And trash slipped into the river.
"What do you think?" River Soul has asked.
It was jn the outskirts of the city, toward the rest of the empire.