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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Re: Warframe In The Playground - The Grustrag 03

    Hey everyone! I've been playing Warframe over the past few months, and I saw that there's a thread here.

    I'll chime in on the Exploiter Orb fight: It's fun, in a way that most fights in Warframe aren't. I think that the gimmicks across both phases of the fight make you feel like you're doing something besides point gun and click. I read on Reddit that someone mentioned the cutscene thing in the second phase is probably the first time we actually feel like our Warframes are physically powerful, and I fully agree.

    Also, all of those gem/fish drops are absolutely insane. I've kind of been busy raising my Quills rep/working on Cetus stuff, but I've got enough gems to throw at Smokefinger to max out my rep entirely. And fish drops mean that I really don't have to go hunting rare fish for stuff. It's absurdly awesome drops.

    Edit: I've also been doing my Exploiter Orb runs on Nezha, with surprising success. If you use Warding Halo while you're the target of her turret, you can get >10k on your WH, which means 90% DR for the entire fight, and being able to survive the explosion at the end. I've also been using his 4 to clear up the babby raknoids in the first phase, with some of his 2 thrown in there (pun intended).
    Last edited by OutOfThyme; 2019-03-17 at 06:59 PM.