((Aye, he still be out there.))

Onu had waited patiently for the two of them to come back out of the hospital, keeping his cart were the two had gotten out. Now that the injured Sammu had been removed from the cart, its only cargo was the two genin an the deceased Gin. It took a little bit longer then they had expected to get back (For Kaori anyway) to Taka's apartment, since it seemed as if Onu didn't quite know the way but they still made good time in getting there.

"This is were I leave you boys, I don't want to stick around for what might happen next." The farmer said solemnly, clambering down and helping the two unload the wolf before climbing back up. Soon the clatter of the wheels on the pavement faded and the two were left alone. The both of them took their time in carrying the furry bundle into the building, going to the very same apartment that one of them had broken into earlier that day. Before they could knock though, they paused. On the other side of the door Mitsuhide and Kaori could hear two loud feminine voices screaming at each other back and forth before a door slammed shut with a loud bang.

Again the two genin looked at each other nervously before Kaori raised a hand up and knocked softly on the door, it was midnight afterall, and stepped back and together so that their bodies blocked the view of Gin. When the door was yanked open, the both of them could see a disorganized and messy living room lite up by strategically placed lamps and an irate (had they even seen any other kind of Taka?) jounin standing in the doorway. She looked more disheveled then she had when meeting them in the morning, several strands of hair drifting in front of her face and no longer in her ninja uniform. Clutched in one hand was a scroll (That struck a very poigant cord in Kaori's mind) that she held unto tightly. When she spoke, her voice was raspy and soft.

"Your late. I said to be completed by 12:00 pm and its now...12:20. Were is Gin, what went wrong, and weres that boy with the attitude?"