Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
"I'm Zee! Trog's resident bar maid slash bouncer slash chef," comes the sandwich crafter's reply. "It must be a little overwhelming coming here for the first time. Do you mind if I ask where you came from and how you got here? How people arrived at the Nexus is always an interesting story."
Xena nods. "Certainly is overwhelming. Most of the stuff here I don't understand." She shakes her head at Zee's asking how she got here, suddenly angry. "It's the worst thing! I was fighting some so-called 'good guys' who were trying to make the world worse, because of course it fell to me to deal with them. Anyway, I was fighting them, and I was winning, when a wizard created a portal in the sky! Sucked me right in, and the portal closed! That's when I crash landed at Blind Cat's Bluff."