[VIGIL Training Grounds]

Lapis Lazuli isn't really sure why coming here is so important. Her friend must have had something important she needed to do before finding lemonade.

She bounds along behind Makuro, pausing every now and again to take a bite out of a shrub that's starting to look a little too scruffy.

Apparently she's naturally predisposed to gardening.

The seraph looks... alien. Maybe a deer or a dragon would be the most reasonable thing to compare her to, but those are, perhaps, simply the things which are least dissimilar to her. She has wings, or something like them. Two at her shoulders, two at her hips, and two flanking her head like ears. Things like eyes dot her body, pits of void ringed by stellar white, like the accretion disk of a dead star. She's covered in something akin to scales, deep indigo plates above, swirling with golden flecks like drifting stars. Black below, triangular and interlocking. They expand and contract with each breath, searing light bleeding between them. The creature is roughly the size of a leopard, leggy and bearing cloven hooves.

She's also wearing what appears to be a little halo made of green wood.

Maybe a laurel crown?

It's hanging off one of her ear wings at a jaunty angle.