Quote Originally Posted by Zilrax View Post
Not sure if anyone else can access it but may as well mention it.

The sphere's guys are doing a kickstarter for a full ultimate style hardcover of the spheres of power (not might) book that will have all the expanded stuff centralized. In addition they've a contest going til the 24th on it. A common request has been how to go about making a spheres char and so forth so they're opening it to the public. Make a level 1 and 5 stat block of 1 -3 of the following chars and link it into comment responses to post #6 on the kickstarter that mentions the contest.

The characters are Storm from X-Men, Bakugou from My Hero Academia, and Your Friend's OC, whomever that may be.
Hey, that's funny. I helped make a character for one of my current player who basically gave me just "Storm from X-Men" as a jumping off point. Maybe I'll have to take a look at that.

Also, hello. I don't know if I've ever posted before but I've followed Ashiel for a while.