Salty Jim

The half-elven swashbuckler was born to a human prostitute and an elven john. His none-to-bright mother named him something that sounded vaguely elven "Salturiel Jimnestria". He never met his father, nor does he particularly care about it. As soon as it was possible, he ran away to be a ship's monkey, and never looked back.

Now, many years later, he's been everywhere, and done everything. At least according to him. In reality, he IS actually a very experienced adventurer, a lethal duelist, capable of incredible things, but he is also an outrageous liar when it comes to his own exploits. He swears that after winning a thrilling city-wide chase, he bedded the Goddess of Luck herself in a hayloft, and will happily duel anyone who calls him a liar for it.

He dresses in bright colored finery with lots of jewelry, but is rarely seen without his trademark bright blue high-collared coat. Nearly everyone knows his name, he has become legend in his own lifetime. Stories of his exploits are as common as our stories of Robin Hood, The Lone Ranger, or Zorro. Depending on the teller or the audience he can be a thief, an avenger, a rogue, a scoundrel, a scourge, a murderer, or a pirate.

I give him a 1% chance of being in any bar or tavern my players enter, or 5% if its a port town. He's always good for a rumor or two about exotic treasures, places, monsters, and women. Occasionally i'll use him as a quest giver, especially if I'm gonna send the players far, far away from home.