Quote Originally Posted by Voidhawk View Post
He’s a combat character, with more than ten wounds. Since he can be shot as he walks across the board, his weapons are far less important than his speed, survivability, and points cost. So let’s check them out:

Speed: 12” without fly. Can be renegade for advance+charge. BUT: speed decays as he takes damage. This guy’s probably not going to be making any turn 1 charges, and if the enemy knock off enough wounds he might not make a turn 2 either.

Defense: T6 W12 S2+/5++, regen, vehicle so can be healed by Warpsmiths. The regen and 2+ will keep him safe from light weaponry, but only T6 means he will get wrecked by anything serious.

Cost: power 9 means 180pts. Which is a lot, no two ways about it. Too much? Considering he achieves nearly nothing until he reaches combat, I think so. Sure, he makes Daemon Engines shoot better, but for that price you could just take another one. Support units shouldn’t cost the same as the units they support. If you’re already bringing 3 forge and maulerfiends he’ll have a place, but at the stage he’ll draw litterally all the AT firepower and never see turn 2 so it’s a wash anyway.
We don't know how much he'll cost though. Because Powerlevel is borked. Perhaps a maximum point value of 180 would be a better estimate. I mean, if he is 180 base, then he will be overcosted, but if he's around 150? I think he'll be reasonable.