See, I can believe some of that and less others. The expanded universe is a mess, so I don't think it's so bad that disney did a 'kill them all, god will know his own' to it.

Maybe the force waxes and wanes, maybe it's just writers one upping another to show a progression of characters.

Luke floating whilst meditating? Sure.
Using the force to get the remote? Completely within the bounds of what we've seen in movies.
"force judgement" Sure. It's a re-skinned force lightning.
Assembling lightsabers with the force alone? ehhh.... do a bit at a time and it'll be fine.
Pain reduction? Sure. Healing... Well, that's a big deal!
Blocking the blaster shot with you hand? Yeah. Freezing a bolt in place with no effort? nah.
Visions and dreams? Sure. Luke's lightsaber calling after Rey and giving her a montage? hmmm... no.

I was really on board with the clone wars except for the Dathomiri witch and that time with the father/son/daughter. Rebels... Bendu worked, the other dimension didn't.