
Siren looks away for a second out of reflex to shield her eyes, as debris and forces impacted and smacked off of the spherical telekinetic barrier the psychic kept around herself.

Drifting upwards, her hair caught in the wind, Siren pursed her lips as she looked back down at the...thing that crashed through the building and made such a commotion.

Narrowing her eyes and staring at the beast in focus, Siren bundled up the mental tension within her brain and launched it forward in a wave of psychic claws that tore and gnashed at the mind of the thing before her.

Got a 32 on toughness check! I...hope that passes lol.

Siren is floating up a few dozen feet to put herself well out of reach of the thing.
As her action, she is using Psychic Scream on the monster. It must pass a DC 27 Will save.