Quote Originally Posted by Aux-Ash View Post
I feel that overall season two has been better than season one, but the last two episodes has been pretty weak in my opinion. There were good things (notably the interactions between the crew) but the overarching plot is pretty nonsensical at the moment.

Especially the let's capture Red Angel plan, which only worked by merit of everyone being absolutely wrong about an important detail. As they kept working on it I kept being more and more annoyed by the complete lack of any form of logic or consequence analysis when it came to putting it into practice. It annoyed me quite a bit.


I'm also getting a bit concerned about the series creators adherence to the tech/knowledge the federation should have at this point. I'm not talking about how that tech is presented on screen, I'm fine with things looking more modern than they did in TOS. However: the spore drive, holograms and now semi-sentient computers (Control) and miniaturized time travel tech. I know they're trying to dance around it, but there's no way the federation should have access to those things in the TOS era. There's episodes in the other shows dealing with the problems with the introductions of just those things after all. It bugs me that it's so central in this show.

I keep wondering if the show runners actually wanted to place things post-DS9 but were forced by CBS to put it in the TOS era.
I don't mind. Showrunners gotta do what they wanna do, give us feelings of wonders for the techno world, adventure, etc..

If showrunners had to genuinely limit themselves to tech levels and events we heard about, it'd get boring fast. So just go with "we ain't seen everything from that universe at that time" and roll with the punches.