Quote Originally Posted by Narkis View Post
And a few more questions:

My sword is now max rank. If I sell it and then later buy it again, will I have to level it up from the beginning or does the game remember which weapons I've maxed?

How long will the "Wolf of Saturn 6" event last? I just had the second mission where this guy appeared and murdered the crap out of me.

My Volt has a purple mole on its neck. Is it part of the model? I don't remember it being there from the beginning, but maybe I just didn't notice?

I found an infested corner on my ship. No spoilers, but I assume it's gonna be important later? And possibly related to my AI's glitchiness?

Also, I can't get "We all lift together" out of my head. Please send help!
No, if you buy a new copy of a weapon, you will have to re-level it. There are some weapons that require other weapons as part of their blue print. For this reason it is best to level the previous weapon before you use it for the second weapon. Or, if you like the first weapon, buy a second copy for the second weapon.

The Wolf of Saturn 6 is supposed to last 10ish weeks, and I think we're starting week 3. Maybe 4?

That's because you were in a match with someone who was infected by Nidus. Affectionately called space herpes. After it grows fully you can either remove it and make your frame immune, or you can drain it to create a pet companion. I wouldn't worry about it too much until you get a kubrow and play around with them for a bit.


If you talk to everyone in fortuna, you'll come across someone who will replay the opening cinematic for you. I don't remember exactly where he is, but I think it's on one of the platforms in the water/coolant.