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Thread: Ansalonian Adventures IC II

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Aug 2010
    Christmas City, USA

    Default Re: Ansalonian Adventures IC II


    The ales are particularly robust here in dwarf country, and the spirits have an earthy base unlike anything you’ve had before (though Valorean’s refined palate leads him toward mushrooms). As is often the case, Darrik finds himself rebuffed by the suspicious, and more than one tavern owner shouts that the “beast” has to remain outside lest it’s pelt adorn the wall. [He later finds on himself a very expensive looking jeweler’s loupe in a tiny velvet bag, a lengthy correspondence (in dwarvish), and a key bearing a symbol that looks like a burning building upon its bow.]

    Sora has better luck, being an attractive alternative to a “blasted pickpocket” and a “scaley-brained demon.” She learns Ironfire is a family minor in influence but large in number, whose distinct veins (dwarves don’t use ‘branches,’ no) long ago gave up particular specialties but whose members are now fighting each other over establishing an overarching family identity. Quite a few live in Garnet, while the rest are under the mountain: “A sure sign they got no power and hope ta git any, you ask me. Most of’em just scrapin’ by out here in the sun rather than workin’ wit the more respected kin in deep Kayolin. Someday, ye mark me, they’ll all up and join the bloody Neidar.”

    It takes time and further conversation (and a few more rounds) for someone to divulge the location of Ironfire Hall – home of the family patriarch – in the northwest section of the city, in a neighborhood called Silkensheet (you note it’s said with a modicum of disdain).

    Otherwise, you learn of The Gravening (the city’s impressive guildhall), Hornbellow Peak (a massive stone tower that acts as the city’s alarms, somehow), Reorx’s Rivulet (the lengthy road leading from this city deep into the mountains to Garnet-Thax itself).

    That said, Garnet is a merchant’s city, and everyone here is on business. There are any number of apparel shops, though the fashions are very different from what Sora’s accustomed to: heavy earth-tone or green fabrics, either plain or featuring geometric embroidered stitching, and thick leather cuffs, belts, bags, and hats. If she cares to investigate, she learns some of the best made (though plain-looking) items in the city are actually shoes. Tireless workers who expect even normal attire to offer some form of protection, dwarven footware for sale in Garnet is comfortable and durable and of exceptional quality (and price). Just like every dwarf crafter, each takes great pride in their product.

    Spoiler: Into Garnet

    Obvisouly not exact, but a good (real) example of what you encounter. This is the village at the base of the Garnet range. Just to the left you can make out a trail which leads up toward the right, between the two closest peaks. Over that rise is Garnet proper, sitting in a flat area a couple miles square. And of course the vegetation is yet to grow back from the winter, though there's plenty of budding.

    Last edited by Gorgon_Heap; 2019-03-29 at 11:14 AM.