Spoiler: Bubble Guard

'Bubbly Dooo!" Sweet Echo chripped and fanfillied over Bubble Guard, and flew at Bubble Guard hugging and kissing with admire.
The Kirin Ponies have cleared the way, staring with awe. This is an event they most certainly will remember.
Sweet Echo clinged to Bubble Guard. "This was amazing! Eep!"
Her praises turned into an excited squeeks, that probably meant something in bat laungauge.

"So... this is tale of the Turtle Warrior..." said an elder noble looking pony while writing on a scroll, "The Warrior Who Defeats By Holding Tight To His Love..."

Sweet Echo kept squeaking in excitment.
After asking servants and guards you find your way to your guest rooms.
They humble in furniture, but clean and with decoartive walls made of papers with painted Cherry Blossomian Folk Tales.
There are tatamis(thin matresses) short desk, and calligraphy tools.
You guess if she was "deaf" pony, she would screamed- but she simply kept squeeking on and on, and motioning a lot with her hooves miming your battle.

Spoiler: Tailwind

Celestia shook her head. "Thank you, for the meal Ms.Dokobashi. It was... intresting and educating."
Dokobashi blushed, and giggled covering her mouth.
"I am a leech. It's not aproriate for me, to be called this way!"
Celestia smiled. "I think this is very aproriate. Shall we go Tailwind?" She has asked sweetly.

You said farewells, and turned back to the guest rooms, where you find Bubble Guard, and Sweet Echo squeaking and motioning with an excitment, mimicing a battle?"

Ooc: Tailwind, Celestia, Bubble Guard and Sweet Echo are now in the guest rooms together.

Spoiler: Tea Agony

""Oh. So a star from heavens has cursed them."
"How intresting." They talked with an excitment and wrote notes.
"Is your offspring cursed as well?" They have asked.