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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Magic The Gathering Thread XXIII: Modern is Dead, Long Live Modern

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepy hedgehog View Post
    I've haven't been keeping up with MtG much over the last few years, since around Return to Ravnica.
    But I'm working on updating my Sakashima the Imposter, EDH, clone based, deck.

    I was wondering if you could think of any blue or color creatures that clone well.
    Where 2 copies of it in play are stronger than 2x a single copy.
    Like Kederekt Leviathan who repeatedly bounce the field.
    or Docent of Perfection, and Master of Waves, who grow quadratically.
    You are thinking of sheer numbers only but does your deck has a theme/strategy otherwise?

    Viral Drake could be useful as you need only 10 poison counters to win the game. Faerie Artisans mean you get twice as many creatures each turns with doubl enter the battlefield effects. Selecting a card as Toothy, Imaginary friend mean you will have to apply the Legendary rule, so no matter how many cards you draw thanks for Toothy, the copy get as many +1/+1 counter. Perplexing Chimera allow you to respond to your own Perplexing Chimera trigger, picking the spell they wanted to cast so that their own Perplexing Chimera trigger effect fizzle.
    Last edited by Emmerlaus; 2019-04-15 at 08:01 AM.