Quote Originally Posted by Lacuna Caster View Post
This is like saying that if Roy wanted traps disarmed, he should've gone Rogue, rather than, say, taking twenty seconds to talk to Haley.
Not at all similar; Roy wanted to be a fighter for specific, personal reasons. Miko wanted to be a paladin because....?

Quote Originally Posted by Lacuna Caster View Post
Miko probably has several mid-level clerics under her direct command, and they certainly exist within the Guard at large. So let's put two and two together, shall we?
Ya know what, let's indeed do some math. Miko works with clerics in the SG. Other members of the SG are shown to dislike Miko. Miko has been shown to pray to the gods for guidance rather than asking a cleric. Miko has been shown to be incredibly egotistical and self assured in her own superiority. You can infer either that she believed her own prayers and interpretations of the gods signs were enough, or you can infer that none of the clerics were willing to begrudge her any favors, or whatever else you want. Those are much better avenues than claiming they were not the actions you would take, and thus should not have been what Miko did.