Skymoth's antennae vibrate with indignation at the insults thrown against him! It's like people think that they can just say anything they like about animals just because they can't understand... absolutely unforgivable. It reminded him of... reminded him...

"Sorry, old chap! Better luck next time!"

Unfamiliar memories well up in Skymoth's mind. It's not the first time it's happened, but it may be the most vivid one yet. He's vaguely aware that it's some sort of past-life memory, although the specific mechanics of the thing are beyond him. Perhaps the rational thing would be to dismiss the thought and not hold it against this new incarnation... but Skymoth is already irritated. Doesn't like moths, eh? Well then...

A few moments after the masked man and the Tya enter the healer's hut, the curtain rustles again as Skymoth steps inside. Two very startled youths stare at him from behind, wondering how they missed the man's approach; it's as though he came out of nowhere at all.

In his true form he's short, just over five and a half feet, but he has flawless black skin and the lithe corded muscles of a runner. His eyes are bright and mischievous, like a beam of moonlight frozen in amber, and his hair hangs a few inches from his head in bushy spiraled curls. A skirt comes down perhaps half the length of his thighs, a white-and-red cloak gives him a bit of protection from the sun, and a pair of sandals protect his feet, but he's obviously not self-conscious about bare skin, and his chest and stomach look practically sculpted. A gleaming metal shield is secured to his back over the cloak with a leather strap, and he carries a spear in one hand, using it like a walking stick. He flashes the old woman a smile just shy of dazzling, but it turns down a notch -- still charming, but with a wryness attached -- when he looks at Slang and Tuoni.

"Hey, granny! These foreigners aren't bothering you, are they?"

Spoiler: OOC
Making a quick instill check to get on the healer's good side. 5 appearance +2 presence +2 stunt. Influence might apply in some ambiguous way if she recognizes Skymoth.
